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SUMMONED UNITS See page 3. DAEMONETTES - LESSER DAEMON OF SLAANESH Infantry 15cm Daemonic Claws base contact Assault Weapons - Notes: First Strike, Invulnerable Save. Notes: Fearless, Reinforced Armour, Thick Rear Armour, Walker. This team list uses the special rules and wargear found. We've finally got the thing we were waiting for 2 editions — new Chaos Space Marines Codex. Chaos Space Marines Detachments and Formations test. Notes: Fearless, Reinforced Armour. Chaos Navy have an initiative rating of 2+. Though they once strode the galaxy as noble defenders of Mankind, a lifetime of unremitting war has driven them to worship the gods of Chaos. To summon daemons the Chaos player chooses a formation with a daemonic pact and declares its intention to summon before any action roll is made. Not made as an available PDF later like Blood Angels , so almost unable to acquire in. Buy Warhammer Chaos Space Marines Codex Heretic Astartes by Gamesworkshop: Everything Else test.
If this move takes the Subjugator into impassable terrain or another unit it can t move over then it stops immediately and is destroyed. PDF search option is your best option.
- EMPEROR S CHILDREN CORE FORMATIONS FORMATION UNITS UPGRADES POINTS COST Emperor s Children Retinue One Chaos Space Marine Lord character and six Noise Marine units USING THE ARMY LIST All 275 EMPEROR S CHILDREN ELITE FORMATIONS Up to one for each Emperor s Children Retinue taken FORMATION UNITS UPGRADES POINTS COST Emperor s Children Terminators Bike Company One Chaos Space Marine Lord character and four Emperor s Children Terminator units One Chaos Space Marine Lord character and six Emperor s Children Bike units Champion, Daemonic Pact, Daemon Prince, Defilers, Dreadnoughts, Icon Bearer, Land Raiders, Warlord Daemonic Pact 300 EMPEROR S CHILDREN SUPPORT FORMATIONS Up to two for each Emperor s Children Retinue taken FORMATION UNITS UPGRADES POINTS COST Armoured Company Emperor s Children Defiler Pack Chaos Space Marines Four to six Chaos Space Marine vehicles chosen from the following: Predators, Land Raiders Vindicators, Defilers A maximum of up to a third of the points available to the army may be spent on Aircraft, Spacecraft and Titans each Predator 75 each Land Raider Four Emperor s Children Defilers Dreadnoughts 275 Six Chaos Space Marine units and three Chaos Space Marine Rhinos Daemonic Pact 250 Daemonic Knights 4 Chaos Daemon Knights EMPEROR S CHILDREN UPGRADES Up to four allowed upgrades may be taken by each formation, each different allowed upgrade may be taken once UPGRADE UNITS POINTS COST 0-1 Warlord Replace one Chaos Space Marine Lord character with a Chaos Space Marine Warlord character 50 Champion Add one Chaos Space Marine Champion character associated with the formations faction 50 Land Raiders Add up to four Chaos Space Marine Land Raiders 75 each Vindicators Add up to three Chaos Space Marine Vindicators 35 each 0-1 Daemon Prince Replace the unit in the formation that includes a Chaos Space Marine Lord or Chaos Space Marine Warlord character with an Emperor s Children Daemon Prince unit. The Decimator is destroyed and any units within 5cm of the model suffer a hit on a D6 roll of 6.
Alternatively you can visit Games Workshop s website for more information. THANK YOU A big thank you has to go to the EPIC UK committee; without their enthusiasm, for a game that they love, this army book wouldn t be a reality. The wish and will to improve a fantastic tournament wargame, within the UK, has been their only payment. A big thank you also has to go to Games Workshop; without their imagination, creativeness and support this game would not be around today. A special thank you has to go to Jervis Johnson and all the Fanatic team, both past and present. Also a big thank you has to go to all the independent EPIC developers, especially the army developers on the Tactical Command internet forum. Without their ideas some of the developments within this book would not be a reality. PICTURES All miniatures photographed within this book are Games workshop All rights reserved. Used without permission all pictures of painted models provided by Alex Cairns, David Bartley, Kevin Bott, Sam Dale, Steve Gullick, Tim Hunt, Joe Jephson, Mark Preston, Christian Salling, Chris Steel, Dave Thomas, Chris Webb, Tom Sanders, Steve Marr and Matthew Lickiss. TEXT All text including stories is an unofficial production created by EPIC UK derived, without permission, upon the Warhammer intellectual property owned by Games Workshop Ltd. DISCLAIMER This book is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners. Page Information Contents Black Legion Chaos Space Marine Special Rules Black Legion Chaos Space Marine Units Black Legion Chaos Titan Legion Support Black Legion Chaos Navy Support Daemons of Chaos Black Legion Chaos Space Marine Army List Death Guard Chaos Space Marines Death Guard Chaos Space Marine Special Rules Death Guard Chaos Space Marine Units Death Guard Chaos Navy Support Death Guard Chaos Titan Legion Support Death Guard Chaos Space Marine Army List Emperor s Children Chaos Space Marines Emperor s Children Chaos Space Marine Special Rules Emperor s Children Chaos Space Marine Units Emperor s Children Chaos Titan Legion Support Daemons of Chaos Emperor s Children Chaos Space Marine Army List Thousand Sons Chaos Space Marines Thousand Sons Chaos Space Marine Special Rules Thousand Sons Chaos Space Marine Units Daemons of Chaos Thousand Sons Chaos Titan Legion Support Thousand Sons Chaos Space Marine Army List World Eaters Chaos Space Marines World Eaters Chaos Space Marine Special Rules World Eaters Chaos Space Marine Units World Eaters Chaos Navy Support Daemons of Chaos World Eaters Chaos Space Marine Army List Iron Warriors Chaos Space Marines Iron Warriors Chaos Space Marine Special Rules Iron Warriors Chaos Space Marine Units Iron Warriors Chaos Mechanicus Support Iron Warriors Chaos Navy Support Iron Warriors Chaos Space Marine Army List EPIC UK Chaos Space Marines: What, How and Why 2 4 BLACK LEGION CHAOS SPACE MARINE SPECIAL RULES SUMMONED UNITS Formations that purchase the Daemonic Pact upgrade, or units with this ability, allow the Chaos player to summon daemons to the battlefield. To summon Daemons the player must also have a Daemonic pool from which to summon. This pool contains two sections, one for lesser daemons and one for greater daemons and is not faction specific. The size of such pools must be visible to all players at all times and it is suggested that either tokens or dice are used to indicate the size of each pool available. As daemons are summoned the pool must be changed to reflect its current size. To summon daemons the Chaos player chooses a formation with a daemonic pact and declares its intention to summon before any action roll is made. The player then rolls 2D3 to generate the number of summoning points available for this formation. The number of points required to summon each type of daemonic unit will be noted on its data sheet. The formation may then summon daemons up to the number of summoning points generated, up to the number of points left in the daemonic pool. Any points not used are lost. The faction of the summoning formation determines what type of daemons may be summoned: Khorne: Nurgle: Slaanesh: Tzeentch: Undivided: Daemonic Beasts, Bloodthirster, Bloodletters Daemonic Beasts, Great Unclean One, Plaguebearers Daemonic Beasts, Keeper of Secrets, Daemonettes Daemonic Beasts, Lord of Change, Flamers Daemonic Beasts, Any other Lesser Daemon for twice the usual summoning points, Any Greater Daemon. Players may only have one greater daemon for a given faction on the table at a time. Summoned units must be set up within 5cm of a non-summoned unit in the summoning formation. They cannot be placed in enemy zones of control or impassable terrain. Summoned units become part of the summoning formation for all rules purposes as long as they remain on the battlefield. Summoned units do not cause blast markers when they are destroyed, however daemonic units killed in an assault count towards the number of units killed when calculating the modifiers for assault resolution. Summoned units that are destroyed are removed from play and the summoning cost of each unit is lost from the player s daemonic pool. Summoned units remain in play until the end phase of the turn in which they were summoned. After all formations have attempted to rally any summoned units are removed from play and returned to the daemonic pool. This may cause the formation to break as it may now have equal or more blast markers than its number of units. Greater Daemons returned to the Greater daemon pool keep any damage points taken and do not heal these points while off board. When summoned subsequently they maintain this damage. When a formation breaks all of its summoned units are destroyed. When calculating victory points, the Lesser Daemon pool scores half points if the pool has less than or equal to half round up its original number of daemons remaining. The Lesser Daemon pool scores full points if the pool has less than or equal to a quarter round up its daemons remaining. Treat Greater Daemons as war engines for the purpose of calculating victory points. FAVOUR OF THE GODS In the strategy phase of each turn if the Chaos Space Marine player rolls a 6 they are rewarded with 1D3 summoning points to add to their lesser daemon pool, however, if they roll a 1 then they lose 1D3 summoning points from their lesser daemon pool. If no lesser daemon pool has been purchased or it is empty then there is no effect. For example a unit with Augment Summoning 2D3 would give its formation 4D3 summoning points when it summons daemons and a unit with Augment Summoning 6 would give its formation 2D3 + 6 summoning points. DAEMONIC FOCUS Any formation with a unit with the daemonic focus ability may elect to keep any or all summoned units in play in the end phase. Broken formations may not use this ability as any daemons summoned by this formation are lost when the formation breaks. DREADCLAWS Dreadclaws allow a chaos formation to enter play using the planetfall rules if a spaceship has been purchased to carry them. Units in a formation with Dreadclaws deploy using the planetfall rules but do not roll for scatter. Place the first unit within 15cm of the pre-plotted drop zone co-ordinates and place all other units in the formation within 15cm of this unit and in coherency. Units may not be placed in impassable terrain or enemy zones of control. The following units may be deployed using Dreadclaws: Berzerkers, Chaos Dreadnoughts, Emperor s Children Havocs, Chaos Space Marine Havocs, Noise Marines, Plague Marines, Chaos Space Marine Chosen, Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Siege Dreadnoughts, Iron Warriors Assault Marines and Thousand Sons. CHAOS LORDS Chaos Space Marine Lord Characters may only be added to core units within a formation. They may not be added to any upgrade units purchased for a formation. Can be either a Sorcerer or a Lord, Sorcerers receive a Warp Bolt and Lords receive a Daemon Weapon. Champions of Khorne, Nurgle or Undivided receive a Daemonic Artefact, Slaanesh and Tzeentch Champions have a Daemonic Bolt. May be sacrificed, before rolling its formations summoning points this unit s Augment Summoning 2D3 ability is changed to Augment Summoning 6. After this roll the Champion unit is destroyed with no saves allowed. DAEMON PRINCE Infantry 15cm 30cm 3+ 4+ Possessed Weapon base contact Assault Weapon Macro Weapon, Extra Attacks +2 Warp Bolt 15cm Small Arms Macro Weapon, Extra Attack +1 Notes: Commander, Fearless, Leader, Reinforced Armour, Teleport. May be given wings which increases its speed to 30cm but reduces its armour to 4+. PLAGUE MARINES Infantry 15cm Plague Knives base contact Assault Weapons - Bolters 15cm Small Arms - Notes: Fearless. THOUSAND SONS Infantry 15cm Bolters 15cm Small Arms - Notes: Fearless, Reinforced Armour. CHAOS RAPTORS Infantry 30cm Chainswords base contact Assault Weapons - Melta Weapons 15cm Small Arms - Notes: Jump Packs. CHAOS SPACE MARINE RHINO Armoured Vehicle 30cm Twin Bolters 15cm Small Arms - Notes: Transport May carry up to two of the following: Berzerkers, Cabal of Sorcerers, Chaos Space Marine Chosen, Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Space Marine Havocs, Death Guard Havocs, Emperor s Children Havocs, Iron Warriors Assault Marine, Noise Marines, Plague Marines, Thousand Sons units. CHAOS SPACE MARINE PREDATOR Armoured Vehicle 30cm Twin Lascannons 45cm AT Heavy Bolter 30cm AP5+ - Notes: CHAOS SPACE MARINE LAND RAIDER Armoured Vehicle 25cm Twin Lascannons 45cm AT4+ - Twin Heavy Bolter 30cm AP4+ - Notes: Reinforced Armour, Thick Rear Armour, Transport May carry one Chaos Space Marine Terminator, Emperor s Children Terminator, Death Guard Terminator, Thousand Sons Terminator, Iron Warriors Terminator or World Eaters Terminator unit or up to two of the following: Berzerkers, Cabal of Sorcerers, Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Space Marine Chosen, Chaos Space Marine Havocs, Death Guard Havocs, Emperor s Children Havocs, Iron Warriors Assault Marine, Noise Marines, Plague Marines, Thousand Sons units. The Decimator is destroyed and any units within 5cm of the model suffer a hit on a D6 roll of 6. Notes: Fearless, Reinforced Armour. If this move takes the Death Wheel into impassable terrain or another unit it can t move over then it stops immediately and is destroyed. Any units moved over or contacted take a hit on a D6 roll of 4+. Notes: Fearless, Reinforced Armour. The number of void shields each titan has is noted on the titan s datasheet. Each void shield will automatically stop one point of damage and then go down. Do not make armour saves for damage stopped by void shields, or allocate Blast markers. Once all of the shields have been knocked down, the titan may be damaged normally and you may make saving throws against any hits that are scored. Hits from close combat ignore void shields but units using their firefight values must first knock down any shields before they can damage the Titan. Void shields that have been knocked down can be repaired. Each Titan can repair one downed void shield in the end phase of each turn. In addition, if a Titan regroups it can use the dice roll to either repair void shields or remove Blast markers e. If this move takes the Banelord into impassable terrain or another unit it can t move over then it stops immediately and takes a further point of damage. Any units moved over or contacted take a hit on a D6 roll of 4+. Notes: Fearless, Reinforced Armour, Thick Rear Armour, Walker. May step over units and impassable or dangerous terrain that is lower than the Titans knees and up to 2cm wide. Roll a D6 for the Ravager in the end phase of every turn: on a roll of 1 the reactor explodes destroying the Ravager, on a roll of 2-3 the Ravager suffers one more point of damage, and on a roll of 4-6 the reactor is repaired and will cause no further trouble. If the reactor explodes, any units within 5cm of the Ravager will be hit on a D6 roll of 5+. Notes: Fearless, Reinforced Armour, Walker. May step over units and impassable or dangerous terrain that is lower than the Titans knees and up to 2cm wide. If this move takes the Feral into impassable terrain or another unit it can t move over then it stops immediately and is destroyed. Any units moved over or contacted take a hit on a D6 roll of 6. Notes: Fearless, Reinforced Armour, Walker. May step over units and impassable or dangerous terrain that is lower than the Titans knees and up to 2cm wide. Slow and Steady 11 13 DAEMONS OF CHAOS BLOODTHIRSTER - GREATER DAEMON OF KHORNE War Engine 30cm Axe of Khorne base contact Assault Weapon Titan Killer 1 , Extra Attacks +2 Whip base contact Assault Weapon Titan Killer 1 , Extra Attack +1 Damage Capacity: 3 Critical Hit Effect: The Bloodthirster is destroyed. Any summoned daemonic units within 5cm of the model are destroyed on a D6 roll of 6. Notes: Daemonic Focus, Fearless, Inspiring, Invulnerable Save, Jump Pack, Reinforced Armour, Walker. Summoning Cost 8 GREAT UNCLEAN ONE - GREATER DAEMON OF NURGLE War Engine 15cm Nurgling Swarms base contact Assault Weapon Extra Attack +1 Stream of Corruption and 15cm 15cm 3BP Small Arms Ignore Cover Extra Attack +1 , Ignore Cover Damage Capacity: 4 Critical Hit Effect: The Great Unclean One is destroyed. Any summoned daemonic units within 5cm of the model are destroyed on a D6 roll of 6. Notes: Daemonic Focus, Fearless, Inspiring, Invulnerable Save, Reinforced Armour, Walker. Summoning Cost 8 KEEPER OF SECRETS - GREATER DAEMON OF SLAANESH War Engine 15cm Lash of Torment base contact Assault Weapon Macro Weapon, Extra Attack +1 , First Strike Gaze of Slaanesh and 30cm 15cm 3 MW4+ Small Arms - Macro Weapon, Extra Attack +1 , First Strike Damage Capacity: 3 Critical Hit Effect: The Keeper of Secrets is destroyed. Any summoned daemonic units within 5cm of the model are destroyed on a D6 roll of 6. Notes: Daemonic Focus, Fearless, Inspiring, Invulnerable Save, Reinforced Armour, Walker. Summoning Cost 8 LORD OF CHANGE - GREATER DAEMON OF TZEENTCH War Engine 30cm Bedlam Staff base contact Assault Weapon Macro Weapon, Extra Attack +1 Withering Gaze and 45cm 15cm 2 MW3+ Small Arms - Macro Weapon, Extra Attack +1 Damage Capacity: 3 Critical Hit Effect: The Lord of Change is destroyed. Any summoned daemonic units within 5cm of the model are destroyed on a D6 roll of 6. Notes: Daemonic Focus, Fearless, Inspiring, Invulnerable Save, Jump Pack, Reinforced Armour, Walker. Summoning Cost 8 12 14 DAEMONIC BEASTS - LESSER DAEMON Infantry 20cm Claws and Fangs base contact Assault Weapons - Notes: Infiltrators, Invulnerable Save. BLOODLETTERS - LESSER DAEMON OF KHORNE Infantry 15cm Hellblades base contact Assault Weapons Extra Attack +1 Notes: Invulnerable Save. DAEMONETTES - LESSER DAEMON OF SLAANESH Infantry 15cm Daemonic Claws base contact Assault Weapons - Notes: First Strike, Invulnerable Save. FLAMERS - LESSER DAEMON OF TZEENTCH Infantry 15cm Flames of Tzeentch or base contact 15cm Assault Weapons Small Arms - Extra Attack +1 Notes: Invulnerable Save. PLAGUEBEARERS - LESSER DAEMON OF NURGLE Infantry 15cm Plague Swords base contact Assault Weapons - Cloud of Flies 15cm Small Arms - Notes: Invulnerable Save. Black Legion formations, War Engines and Chaos Titans have an initiative rating of 1+. Chaos Navy have an initiative rating of 2+. BLACK LEGION CORE FORMATIONS FORMATION UNITS UPGRADES POINTS COST Black Legion Retinue One Chaos Space Marine Lord character and eight Chaos All 275 Space Marine units Armoured Company Four to eight Chaos Space Marine vehicles chosen from the following: Predators, Land Raiders Vindicators, Defilers 50 each Predator 75 each Land Raider BLACK LEGION ELITE FORMATIONS Up to one for each Black Legion Retinue taken FORMATION UNITS UPGRADES POINTS COST Chaos Space Marine Terminators One Chaos Space Marine Lord character and four Chaos Space Marine Terminator units Champion, Daemonic Pact, Daemon Prince, Dreadnoughts, Defilers, Icon Bearer, Land Raiders, Obliterators, Warlord Add one or two Chaos Space Marine Terminator units for 60 points each 275 Chaos Space Marine Chosen Four Chaos Space Marine Chosen units Daemonic Pact, Dreadclaws, Dreadnoughts, Rhinos 125 BLACK LEGION SUPPORT FORMATIONS Up to two for each Black Legion core formation taken FORMATION UNITS UPGRADES POINTS COST Bike Company One Chaos Space Marine Lord character and eight Chaos Daemonic Pact, Icon Bearer, Warlord 300 Space Marine Bike units Chaos Space Marine One Chaos Space Marine Lord character, four Chaos Space Champion, Daemonic Pact, Daemon Prince, 225 Havocs Marine Havoc units and two Chaos Space Marine Rhinos Dreadnoughts, Icon Bearer Replace two Chaos Space Marine Rhinos with two Chaos Space Marine Land Raiders for 125 points Defiler Assault Pack Four Defilers Raptor Cult One Chaos Space Marine Lord character and four Chaos Raptor units USING THE ARMY LIST A maximum of up to a third of the points available to the army may be spent on Aircraft, Spacecraft, War Engines and Titans. If a Warlord Character is replaced the Daemon Prince gains the Supreme Commander ability Daemonic Pact Allows the formation to summon daemons and adds 1 lesser daemon to the lesser daemon pool 25 Defilers Add up to three Chaos Defilers 65 each Dreadclaws Transport the entire formation in Dreadclaws 5 each unit Dreadnoughts Add up to three Chaos Dreadnoughts 50 each Havocs Add four Chaos Space Marine Havoc units 150 Icon Bearer Add one Icon Bearer character 25 Obliterators Add up to three Chaos Obliterator units 75 each Rhinos Add up to eight Chaos Space Marine Rhinos. You must take exactly enough to carry all units in the formation after any upgrades have been added. No transport spaces may be left over if possible 10 each AIRCRAFT, SPACECRAFT, WAR ENGINES AND TITANS FORMATION UNITS POINTS COST Hellblade Flight Three Chaos Hellblade Fighters 200 Helltalon Flight Two Chaos Helltalon Fighter Bombers Spacecraft One Devastation Class Cruiser or One Despoiler Class Battleship Decimators One to three Chaos Decimators 225 each Death Wheels One to three Chaos Death Wheels 275 each Feral Titan One Chaos Feral Titan 275 Ravager Titan One Chaos Ravager Titan 650 Banelord Titan One Chaos Banelord Titan 800 DAEMONS OF CHAOS FORMATION UNITS POINTS COST Lesser Daemon Pool Add any number of Lesser Daemons 15 each Greater Daemon Pool Add any number of Greater Daemons 50 each 175 16 DEATH GUARD CHAOS SPACE MARINES 15 17 DEATH GUARD CHAOS SPACE MARINE SPECIAL RULES INFESTATION Formations completely made up of units with the infestation ability must be held in reserve and deployed using the teleport rules 2. Formations containing any units with the infestation ability may only contest objectives in the tournament game scenario. SUMMONED UNITS See page 3. All formations in a Death Guard army belong to the Nurgle faction. FAVOUR OF THE GODS See page 3. AUGMENTED SUMMONING See page 4. DAEMONIC FOCUS See page 4. CHAOS LORDS See page 4. IMPLACABLE ADVANCE All formations in the army receive a +1 modifier to their action test roll when attempting a marshal action. Due to their steady, deliberate nature no formations in the army can take a march action. PLAGUE ZOMBIES Infantry 10cm Claws and Teeth base contact Assault Weapons - Notes: Fearless, Infiltrators, Infestation. DEATH GUARD RHINO Armoured Vehicle 25cm Twin Bolters 15cm Small Arms - Notes: Invulnerable Save, Transport May carry up to two of the following: Death Guard Havoc, Plague Marine units. Notes: Fearless, Reinforced Armour, Transport May carry up to sixteen Chaos Space Marine, Death Guard Havoc, Death Guard Daemon Prince, Death Guard Terminator, and Plague Marine units. Death Guard Daemon Prince and Death Guard Terminator units take up two spaces each. Notes: Fearless, Reinforced Armour. Roll a D6 for the Plaguelord in the end phase of every turn: on a roll of 1 the reactor explodes destroying the Plaguelord, on a roll of 2-3 the Plaguelord suffers one more point of damage, and on a roll of 4-6 the reactor is repaired and will cause no further trouble. If the reactor explodes, any units within 5cm of the Plaguelord will be hit on a D6 roll of 4+. Notes: Fearless, Reinforced Armour, Thick Rear Armour, Walker. May step over units and impassable or dangerous terrain that is lower than the Titans knees and up to 2cm wide. Roll a D6 for the Repugnant in the end phase of every turn: on a roll of 1 the reactor explodes destroying the Repugnant, on a roll of 2-3 the Repugnant suffers one more point of damage, and on a roll of 4-6 the reactor is repaired and will cause no further trouble. If the reactor explodes, any units within 5cm of the Repugnant will be hit on a D6 roll of 5+. Notes: Fearless, Reinforced Armour, Walker. May step over units and impassable or dangerous terrain that is lower than the Titans knees and up to 2cm wide. CHAOS PLAGUEHOUND TITAN War Engine 25cm Pus Cannon 30cm 3BP Disrupt, Ignore Cover, Forward Arc Decay Cannon 30cm 4 AP3+ Disrupt, Forward Arc Damage Capacity: 4 Void Shields: 2 Critical Hit Effect: Staggering blow, the Plaguehound immediately staggers a full D6cm in a random direction move as barge see 3. If this move takes the Plaguehound into impassable terrain or another unit it can t move over then it stops immediately and is destroyed. Any units moved over or contacted take a hit on a D6 roll of 6. Notes: Fearless, Reinforced Armour, Walker. May step over units and impassable or dangerous terrain that is lower than the Titans knees and up to 2cm wide. Plague Engines, Zombie Infestations and Chaos Navy have an initiative rating of 2+. All other formation have an initiative rating of 1+. DEATH GUARD CORE FORMATIONS FORMATION UNITS UPGRADES POINTS COST Death Guard Retinue One Chaos Space Marine Lord character and seven Plague Marine units USING THE ARMY LIST All 300 DEATH GUARD ELITE FORMATIONS Up to one for each Death Guard Retinue taken FORMATION UNITS UPGRADES POINTS COST Death Guard Terminators One Chaos Space Marine Lord character and four Death Guard Terminator units Champion, Daemonic Pact, Daemon Prince, Defilers, Dreadnoughts, Icon Bearer, Land Raiders, Warlord Death Guard Defiler Pack Four Death Guard Defilers Dreadnoughts 275 DEATH GUARD SUPPORT FORMATIONS Up to two for each Death Guard Retinue taken FORMATION UNITS UPGRADES POINTS COST Armoured Company Four to seven Chaos Space Marine vehicles chosen from the following: Predators, Land Raiders Vindicators, Defilers A maximum of up to a third of the points available to the army may be spent on Aircraft, Spacecraft and Titans each Predator 75 each Land Raider Plague Reaper Company Up to three Chaos Plague Reapers Defilers, Contagion Engines 200 each Plague Engines Four Contagion Engines Contagion Engines, Plague Tower, Defilers 325 Chaos Space Marines Six Chaos Space Marine units and three Chaos Space Marine Rhinos Daemonic Pact 250 Zombie Infestation 3+2D6 Plague Zombie units DEATH GUARD UPGRADES Up to four allowed upgrades may be taken by each formation, each different allowed upgrade may be taken once UPGRADE UNITS POINTS COST 0-1 Warlord Replace one Chaos Space Marine Lord character with a Chaos Space Marine Warlord character 50 Champion Add one Chaos Space Marine Champion character associated with the formations faction 50 Land Raiders Add up to four Chaos Space Marine Land Raiders 75 each Vindicators Add up to three Chaos Space Marine Vindicators 35 each 0-1 Daemon Prince Replace the unit in the formation that includes a Chaos Space Marine Lord or Chaos Space Marine Warlord character with a Death Guard Daemon Prince unit. If a Warlord Character is replaced the Death Guard Daemon Prince gains the Supreme Commander ability 50 Daemonic Pact Allows the formation to summon daemons and adds one lesser daemon to the lesser daemon pool 25 Defilers Add up to three Death Guard Defilers 75 each Dreadnoughts Add up to three Chaos Dreadnoughts 50 each Havocs Replace up to three Plague Marine units with Death Guard Havoc units 25 Icon Bearer Add one Icon Bearer character 25 Rhinos Add up to four Death Guard Rhinos. You must take exactly enough to carry all units in the formation after any upgrades have been added. No transport spaces may be left over if possible 10 each Contagion Engines Add up to three Chaos Contagion Engines 75 each Plague Tower Add one Chaos Plague Tower 325 AIRCRAFT, SPACECRAFT AND TITANS FORMATION UNITS POINTS COST Hellblade Flight Three Chaos Hellblade Fighters 200 Helltalon Flight Two Chaos Helltalon Fighter Bombers Spacecraft One Chaos Plagueship 100 Plaguehound Titan One Chaos Plaguehound Titan 275 Repugnant Titan One Chaos Repugnant Titan 650 Plaguelord Titan One Chaos Plaguelord Titan 800 DAEMONS OF CHAOS FORMATION UNITS POINTS COST Lesser Daemon Pool Add any number of Lesser Daemons 15 each Greater Daemon Pool Add any number of Greater Daemons 50 each 20 22 EMPEROR S CHILDREN CHAOS SPACE MARINES 21 23 EMPEROR S CHILDREN CHAOS SPACE MARINE SPECIAL RULES SUMMONED UNITS See page 3. All formations in an Emperor s Children army belong to the Slaanesh faction. In addition they may summon Daemonettes on Steeds lesser daemon units. FAVOUR OF THE GODS See page 3. AUGMENTED SUMMONING See page 4. DAEMONIC FOCUS See page 4. DREADCLAWS See page 4. CHAOS LORDS See page 4. May be given wings which increases its speed to 30cm but reduces its armour to 4+. EMPEROR S CHILDREN BIKES Infantry 35cm Doom Sirens 15cm Small Arms First Strike Notes: Fearless, Mounted. Roll a D6 for the Painlord in the end phase of every turn: on a roll of 1 the reactor explodes destroying the Painlord, on a roll of 2-3 the Painlord suffers one more point of damage, and on a roll of 4-6 the reactor is repaired and will cause no further trouble. If the reactor explodes, any units within 5cm of the Painlord will be hit on a D6 roll of 4+. Notes: Fearless, Reinforced Armour, Thick Rear Armour, Walker. May step over units and impassable or dangerous terrain that is lower than the Titans knees and up to 2cm wide. Roll a D6 for the Reviler in the end phase of every turn: on a roll of 1 the reactor explodes destroying the Reviler, on a roll of 2-3 the Reviler suffers one more point of damage, and on a roll of 4-6 the reactor is repaired and will cause no further trouble. If the reactor explodes, any units within 5cm of the Reviler will be hit on a D6 roll of 5+. Notes: Fearless, Reinforced Armour, Walker. May step over units and impassable or dangerous terrain that is lower than the Titans knees and up to 2cm wide. If this move takes the Questor into impassable terrain or another unit it can t move over then it stops immediately and is destroyed. Any units moved over or contacted take a hit on a D6 roll of 6. Notes: Fearless, Reinforced Armour, Walker. May step over units and impassable or dangerous terrain that is lower than the Titans knees and up to 2cm wide. If this move takes the Subjugator into impassable terrain or another unit it can t move over then it stops immediately and is destroyed. Any units moved over or contacted take a hit on a D6 roll of 6. Notes: Fearless, Reinforced Armour, Walker. May step over units and impassable or dangerous terrain that is lower than the Titans knees and up to 2cm wide. DAEMONS OF CHAOS DAEMONETTES ON STEEDS - LESSER DAEMON Infantry 30cm Daemonic Claws base contact Assault Weapons - Notes: First Strike, Invulnerable Save. Questor Titans, Subjugator Titans, Daemonic Knights and Chaos Navy have an initiative rating of 2+. All other formations have an initiative rating of 1+. EMPEROR S CHILDREN CORE FORMATIONS FORMATION UNITS UPGRADES POINTS COST Emperor s Children Retinue One Chaos Space Marine Lord character and six Noise Marine units USING THE ARMY LIST All 275 EMPEROR S CHILDREN ELITE FORMATIONS Up to one for each Emperor s Children Retinue taken FORMATION UNITS UPGRADES POINTS COST Emperor s Children Terminators Bike Company One Chaos Space Marine Lord character and four Emperor s Children Terminator units One Chaos Space Marine Lord character and six Emperor s Children Bike units Champion, Daemonic Pact, Daemon Prince, Defilers, Dreadnoughts, Icon Bearer, Land Raiders, Warlord Daemonic Pact 300 EMPEROR S CHILDREN SUPPORT FORMATIONS Up to two for each Emperor s Children Retinue taken FORMATION UNITS UPGRADES POINTS COST Armoured Company Emperor s Children Defiler Pack Chaos Space Marines Four to six Chaos Space Marine vehicles chosen from the following: Predators, Land Raiders Vindicators, Defilers A maximum of up to a third of the points available to the army may be spent on Aircraft, Spacecraft and Titans each Predator 75 each Land Raider Four Emperor s Children Defilers Dreadnoughts 275 Six Chaos Space Marine units and three Chaos Space Marine Rhinos Daemonic Pact 250 Daemonic Knights 4 Chaos Daemon Knights EMPEROR S CHILDREN UPGRADES Up to four allowed upgrades may be taken by each formation, each different allowed upgrade may be taken once UPGRADE UNITS POINTS COST 0-1 Warlord Replace one Chaos Space Marine Lord character with a Chaos Space Marine Warlord character 50 Champion Add one Chaos Space Marine Champion character associated with the formations faction 50 Land Raiders Add up to four Chaos Space Marine Land Raiders 75 each Vindicators Add up to three Chaos Space Marine Vindicators 35 each 0-1 Daemon Prince Replace the unit in the formation that includes a Chaos Space Marine Lord or Chaos Space Marine Warlord character with an Emperor s Children Daemon Prince unit. If a Warlord Character is replaced the Emperor s Children Daemon Prince gains the Supreme Commander ability 50 Daemonic Pact Allows the formation to summon daemons and adds one lesser daemon to the lesser daemon pool 25 Defilers Add up to three Emperor s Children Defilers 75 each Dreadnoughts Add up to three Chaos Dreadnoughts 50 each Havocs Replace two Noise Marine units with Emperor s Children Havoc units 25 Icon Bearer Add one Icon Bearer character 25 Rhinos Add up to three Chaos Space Marine Rhinos. You must take exactly enough to carry all units in the formation after any upgrades have been added. No transport spaces may be left over if possible 10 each Dreadclaws Transport the entire formation in Dreadclaws 5 each unit AIRCRAFT, SPACECRAFT AND TITANS FORMATION UNITS POINTS COST Hellblade Flight Three Chaos Hellblade Fighters 200 Helltalon Flight Two Chaos Helltalon Fighter Bombers Spacecraft One Chaos Devastation Class Cruiser or One Despoiler Class Battleship Questor Titan One Chaos Questor Titan 275 Subjugator Titan One Chaos Subjugator Titan 225 Reviler Titan One Chaos Reviler Titan 650 Painlord Titan One Chaos Painlord Titan 800 DAEMONS OF CHAOS FORMATION UNITS POINTS COST Lesser Daemon Pool Add any number of Lesser Daemons 15 each Greater Daemon Pool Add any number of Greater Daemons 50 each 28 THOUSAND SONS CHAOS SPACE MARINES 27 29 THOUSAND SONS CHAOS SPACE MARINE SPECIAL RULES SUMMONED UNITS See page 3. All formations in a Thousand Sons army belong to the Tzeentch faction. In addition they may not summon Daemonic Beasts but instead may summon Screamer lesser daemon units. FAVOUR OF THE GODS See page 3. AUGMENTED SUMMONING See page 4. DAEMONIC FOCUS See page 4. CHAOS LORDS See page 4. All Thousand Sons Chaos Space Marine Lord characters must be Sorcerers; you may not choose the Lord option. CABAL OF SORCERERS Cabal of Sorcerer units in a Thousand Sons army come with the Daemonic Pact ability, a formation containing a Cabal of Sorcerers unit may summon daemons to the battlefield. If the Cabal of Sorcerers unit is destroyed the formation loses this ability. In addition add one lesser daemon to the lesser daemon pool for each Cabal of Sorcerers unit in the army. May be given wings which increases its speed to 30cm but reduces its armour to 4+. THOUSAND SONS WARLORD Character Warp Bolt 15cm Small Arms Macro Weapon, Extra Attack +1 Notes: Fearless, Invulnerable Save, Supreme Commander. CABAL OF SORCERERS Infantry 15cm Sorcerous Powers 15cm Small Arms - Notes: Commander, Daemonic Pact, Invulnerable Save, Leader THOUSAND SONS DISC RIDERS Infantry 30cm Sorcerous Powers 15cm Small Arms - Claws and Fangs base contact Assault Weapons - Notes: Jump Packs. THOUSAND SONS TERMINATORS Infantry 15cm Power Weapons base contact Assault Weapon Macro Weapon, Extra Attack +1 Combi-Bolters 15cm Small Arms - Flames of Tzeentch 15cm Small Arms Extra Attack +1 Notes: Fearless, Reinforced.